Data improvements for contribution analytics
When looking at a group's Contribution Analytics, the data is not displaying properly...
But if you look at the activity feed for the project...
There are plenty of commits that aren't displaying in the analytics.
Tactical goals
- Ensure that we expose the correct information in this dashboard - the totals on the top don't seem to match with what's in the graph and what we see in the tool as per John's picture. (please also see my last comment on this issue) Let's review together that the calculations make sense.
Strategic goals
- Review back-end architecture and make a decision as to whether to use the same architecture going forward given the loads and functionality of the analytical product will be much larger and more complex from both backend and front end perspective (ex: are the processes running real time or batch, should we be using, etc). We are planning to have all contribution, cycle analytics, CI/CD analytics in 1 dashboard.
What is the current bug behavior?
Not displaying proper information.
What is the expected correct behavior?
Should be able to see all contribution analytics.
Results of GitLab environment info
Server version 11.8.0
Edited by Virjinia Alexieva