PWSH Executor fails to terminate on job failure
Customer reported, on zd-244015, that Kubernetes runners v14.x
, using pwsh shell, failed to terminate when job failed with exit code 1. The pipeline job would just stay running until pipeline completed.
Steps to reproduce
Kubernetes runners version>14.0 using pwsh shell
stage: Test1
- Write-Error "Job hits error but hangs until job duration timeout" -ErrorAction Stop
timeout: 2m
- linux-pwsh
Actual behavior
When pipeline failed produce an error, runner failed to terminate and will stay waiting, running, until pipeline timeout is reached.
Expected behavior
Runner should terminate as soon as there is an error in the pipeline.
Relevant logs and/or screenshots
job log
$ Write-Error "Job hits error but hangs until job duration timeout" -ErrorAction Stop
Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
Line |
237 | Write-Error "Job hits error but hangs until job duration timeout" -Er …
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| Job hits error but hangs until job duration timeout
ERROR: Job failed: command terminated with exit code 1
runner log
Checking for jobs... received [0;m job[0;m=52324667 repo_url[0;m= runner[0;m=RnEGW6Co
Checking for jobs... received [0;m job[0;m=52324668 repo_url[0;m= runner[0;m=RnEGW6Co
Checking for jobs... received [0;m job[0;m=52324669 repo_url[0;m= runner[0;m=RnEGW6Co
[0;33mWARNING: Job failed: command terminated with exit code 1
[0;m [0;33mduration_s[0;m=60.77199956 [0;33mjob[0;m=52324667 [0;33mproject[0;m=55659 [0;33mrunner[0;m=RnEGW6Co
[0;33mWARNING: Failed to process runner [0;m [0;33mbuilds[0;m=2 [0;33merror[0;m=command terminated with exit code 1 [0;33mexecutor[0;m=kubernetes [0;33mrunner[0;m=RnEGW6Co
[0;33mWARNING: Error while executing file based variables removal script[0;m [0;33merror[0;m=context canceled [0;33mjob[0;m=52324668 [0;33mproject[0;m=55659 [0;33mrunner[0;m=RnEGW6Co
[0;33mWARNING: Job failed: execution took longer than 2m0s seconds
[0;m [0;33mduration_s[0;m=120.012874996 [0;33mjob[0;m=52324668 [0;33mproject[0;m=55659 [0;33mrunner[0;m=RnEGW6Co
[0;33mWARNING: Error while executing file based variables removal script[0;m [0;33merror[0;m=context canceled [0;33mjob[0;m=52324669 [0;33mproject[0;m=55659 [0;33mrunner[0;m=RnEGW6Co
[0;33mWARNING: Job failed: execution took longer than 2m0s seconds
[0;m [0;33mduration_s[0;m=120.007875294 [0;33mjob[0;m=52324669 [0;33mproject[0;m=55659 [0;33mrunner[0;m=RnEGW6Co
[0;33mWARNING: Failed to process runner [0;m [0;33mbuilds[0;m=1 [0;33merror[0;m=execution took longer than 2m0s seconds [0;33mexecutor[0;m=kubernetes [0;33mrunner[0;m=RnEGW6Co
[0;33mWARNING: Failed to process runner [0;m [0;33mbuilds[0;m=0 [0;33merror[0;m=execution took longer than 2m0s seconds [0;33mexecutor[0;m=kubernetes [0;33mrunner[0;m=RnEGW6Co
config.toml contents
listen_address = ":9252"
concurrent = 50
check_interval = 5
log_level = "info"
session_timeout = 1800
name = "shared-pks-s1-pwsh-main-6775489-gitlab-runner-6df75d48f6-bm597"
request_concurrency = 2
url = ""
token = "XXXXXX"
executor = "kubernetes"
shell = "pwsh"
host = ""
bearer_token_overwrite_allowed = false
image = ""
namespace = "glr-shared"
namespace_overwrite_allowed = ""
privileged = false
helper_image = ""
service_account_overwrite_allowed = ""
pod_annotations_overwrite_allowed = ""
Used GitLab Runner version
Running with gitlab-runner 14.0.1 (c1edb478)
Preparing the "kubernetes" executor
Possible fixes
as mentioned on the docs
Edited by Gerardo Gutierrez