Domain has already been taken - Error
Description of the problem
Custom GitLab Pages domains are not deleted when
- pages a destroyed for project
- project itself is deleted
Note: pages domains automatically removed after 7 days if verification is failed.
Describe what you were doing right before the issue occurred.
First case - deletion of the project
- deploy a pages application
- link a custom domain
- add a custom cert - might not be required
- DELETE THE REPOSITORY with out removing the custom domain
- create a new repository again.
- attempt to add the same domain and you will now receive an error.
Second case - removal of pages
- Create a project, setup CI and deploy pages.
- Add and verify custom domain.
- Remove pages (this also removed the custom domain entry).
- Create another project, setup CI and deploy pages.
- Add the same custom domain as in step 2. => Got
Domain has already been taken
. Adding the same domain to the old project also yields the same error.
Edited by Vladimir Shushlin