Code Review Analytics MVC - API Mock
Provide a page and Code Review Analytics API mock for FE to proceed with FE part of MVC
- Page URL should be
- API URL should be
- Page and API mock should be accessible to Bronze+ plans and Starter+ licenses
- Page and API mock should be accessible to Reporter+ roles.
- Both Page and API should be behind
feature flag.
Response mock:
title: 'ABC',
iid: 12345,
web_url: '',
created_at: TIMESTAMP,
milestone: { id: 123, iid: 1234, title: '11.1', web_url: '', due_date: TIMESTAMP},
review_time: 64,
author: { id: 123, username: 'foo', name: 'bar', web_url: '', avatar_url: URL },
approved_by: [SAME_STRUCTURE_AS_AUTHOR, ...],
notes_count: 21,
diff_stats: { additions: 504, deletions: 10, total: 514, commits_count: 7 }
Edited by Pavel Shutsin