List Issues upon clicking bar in Issue Analytics charts
Problem to solve
Issue analytics provides no way to display a list of all issues associated with any month when when clicking on any month bar displayed in the Group level Issue analytics.
Intended users
- Parker (Product Manager)
- Delaney (Development Team Lead)
- Program Manager
- Project Manager
- Devon (DevOps Engineer)
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Further details
When reviewing the Group level Issue Analytics chart, it would be great if the bars in the Issue Analytics new issues chart were clickable to the list of issues in the count. Click on the bar and it takes you to the list of issues associated with the bar clicked.
Make the charts in the Issue Analytics at the Group level active, where clicking on any bar in the chart, executes a query to display the list of issues associated with the bar that was clicked. These issues would be sorted by update timestamp, with the most recently-updated at the top. For example, if I click the month of January, then query all Issues for the Group and only display the issues that were created or closed within the month of January, see illustration below.
Permissions and Security
Permissions and security are consistent with existing permissions.
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The customers comment:
"Analytics chart bars should be linkable to lists of issues: It would be great if the bars in the Issue Analytics new issues chart were clickable to the list of issues in the count. Click on the bar and it takes you to the list of issues"
What is the type of buyer?
A table displaying the information has been added in #216538 (closed) now all that remains is enabling filter by click from within the chart #216539