Delete an environment via UI
Via the endpoint environments/new
you can easily create environments via the webui, but there is no way to delete them via the UI.
Add Button to delete an environment in the endpoint environments/18/edit
. If an environment has been stopped display a delete button in both the list and detail views.
Detail - Available
Detail - Stopped
List - Available
List - Stopped
Delete buttons should display the following warning message before action is complete: "Deleting the 'example' environment cannot be undone. Are you sure?" and include 'Delete environment' and cancel buttons. Delete enviorment would perform the delete operation, Cancel would cancel the operation and close modal.
The list view delete button should have a tooltip titled "Delete environment"
What does success look like, and how can we measure that?
Although a minimal UI and functionality addition given users can already delete via the API, it would be important to measure success by monitoring an increase in support desk issues resulting in accidental deletion, despite confirmation notification.