GitLab OpenId `id_token` missing user info claims
When trying to use Gitlab as OpenID Auth provider for other applications, the provided id_doken payload does not contain the user claims like name, email etc.
Steps to reproduce
- Create an application on GitLab by foing to User Settings -> Application. Select the OpenID for scopes also provide
as redirect URL. Note Client ID and Client Secret - Hit the following URL to get the consent screen, and Authorize the APP
After authorizing you will be redirected to URL like http://localhost?code=note the code for step 3. 3.Hit the following URL to get the tokens payload
note the value of id_token key in response. - Go to and paste the value of id_token value
- Observe that JWT Payload doesnt include any of the user profile claims like email name etc.
Example Project I am using this application for my tests.
What is the current bug behavior?
We get the id_token with payload like following
"iss": "",
"sub": "768d4eeae122ca6655c9127487d9c4cd85b079796d35d33753b3c15b93486044",
"aud": "c3be56f955c74f0601683654df61ed3f74774902e2fb6da7ce05415b8a30e1d7",
"exp": 1521463699,
"iat": 1521463579,
"auth_time": 1521456265
It does not include any profile claims like email, name etc.
What is the expected correct behavior?
The id_token payload should include claims for standard user attributes like email, groups, name etc. Also, the app owner should be able to decide what gets included in id_token via scope parameters like scope=openid email name
which currently doesn't work.
Relevant logs and/or screenshots
Not Applicable
Output of checks
This bug happens on
Results of GitLab environment info
Not Applicable
Results of GitLab application Check
Not Applicable
Possible fixes
Not Aware