Review and reorganize Epics docs
Problem to solve
The Epics documentation page is difficult to use:
- It mixes content types in a non-obvious order
- Headings formatted as gerunds are difficult to scan
Further details
Change "-ing" headings to infinitive forms. -
- Separate sections in "buckets", for example:
Instructive sections to "Manage GitLab Epics" -
Sections on Epic UI elements to something like "Parts of an epic".
- Separate sections in "buckets", for example:
Remove unneeded screenshots and some where they're most needed. -
Provide more on the WHY in the main page and the "Use cases" section.
Page reorganization
Current structure
- Relationships between epics and issues
- Use cases
- Creating an epic
- Adding an issue to an epic
- Adding an existing issue to an epic
- Creating an issue from an epic
- Issue health status in Epic tree
- Disable Issue health status in Epic tree
- Multi-level child epics
- Start date and due date
- From milestones
- Inherited
- Roadmap in epics
- Reordering issues and child epics
- Moving issues and child epics between epics
- Updating epics
- Using bulk editing
- Deleting an epic
- Closing and reopening epics
- Using buttons
- Using quick actions
- Navigating to an epic from an issue
- Promoting an issue to an epic
- Searching for an epic from epics list page
- Permissions
- Thread
- Comment or start a thread
- Award emoji
- Notifications
Proposed structure
: this page gives an overview of WHAT an epic is and WHY it brings value.
- Use cases (enriched)
- Relationships between epics and issues
- Issue health status in Epic tree
- Disable Issue health status in Epic tree
- Multi-level child epics
: this page describes the elements in the epic UI.
- Start date and due date
- From milestones
- Inherited
- Roadmap in epics
- Permissions
- Comment or start a thread
- Thread
- Award emoji
- Notifications
- ... more sections for elements not yet covered
: this page describes what you can DO with an epic.
- Create an epic
- Add an issue to an epic
- Add an existing issue to an epic
- Create an issue from an epic
- Reorder issues and child epics
- Move issues and child epics between epics
- Update an epic
- Using bulk editing
- Delete an epic
- Close and reopen epics
- Using buttons
- Using quick actions
- Open an epic from an issue
- Promote an issue to an epic
- Search for an epic from epics list page
Who can address the issue
@msedlakjakubowski, the technical writer assigned to Plan
Other links/references
Edited by Marcin Sedlak-Jakubowski