Missing conan metadatum in package details presenter
Currently the package presenter: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/blob/78f230b0a7c79c1cd0263109e6c78789356ad8d3/app/presenters/packages/detail/package_presenter.rb#L3 does not return the Conan metadatum, in particular from this lines:
package_detail[:maven_metadatum] = @package.maven_metadatum if @package.maven_metadatum
package_detail[:nuget_metadatum] = @package.nuget_metadatum if @package.nuget_metadatum
package_detail[:dependency_links] = @package.dependency_links.map(&method(:build_dependency_links))
package_detail[:pipeline] = build_pipeline_info(@package.build_info.pipeline) if @package.build_info
One line is missing to return the appropriate dictionary:
package_detail[:conan_metadatum] = @package.conan_metadatum if @package.conan_metadatum
This causes incomplete data to bubble up to the UI, with the current UI the recipe
field is truncated ( by the missing values ) and in the new UI being developed here: #227582 (closed) the Recipe
metadata row is missing.