Flaky spec: spec/features/issues/user_uses_quick_actions_spec.rb
Job #667627987 failed for baf8fccc:
rspec './spec/features/issues/user_uses_quick_actions_spec.rb[1:2:2:1:4:2:1:1]' # Issues > User uses quick actions issue-only commands behaves like move quick action move the issue to another project when the user issues multiple commands applies multiple commands with move command in the begining behaves like applies the commands to issues in both projects, target and source applies quick actions
1) Issues > User uses quick actions issue-only commands behaves like move quick action move the issue to another project when the user issues multiple commands applies multiple commands with move command in the begining behaves like applies the commands to issues in both projects, target and source applies quick actions
Got 1 failure and 1 other error:
Shared Example Group: "applies the commands to issues in both projects, target and source" called from ./spec/support/shared_examples/quick_actions/issue/move_quick_action_shared_examples.rb:91
Shared Example Group: "move quick action" called from ./spec/features/issues/user_uses_quick_actions_spec.rb:44
1.1) Failure/Error: expect(page).to have_content '1.0'
expected to find text "1.0" in "Skip to content GitLab Projects Groups More Help P project32 Project overview Issues 1 List Boards Labels Service Desk Milestones Iterations CI / CD Operations Packages & Registries Analytics Wiki Snippets Members Settings Collapse sidebar John Doe59 project32 Issues #1 Open Opened just now by John Doe57 Close issue New issue My title 24 To upload designs, you'll need to enable LFS. More information Linked issues 0 0 0 Oldest first Show all activity Create merge request John Doe58 @user57 added bug in John Doe57 / project31 wontfix in John Doe57 / project31 labels just now John Doe58 @user57 changed due date to August 28, 2016 just now John Doe58 @user57 moved from namespace31/project31#1 (moved) just now Write Preview Markdown and quick actions are supported Attach a file Comment Close issue To Do Add a To Do 0 Assignees Edit None - assign yourself Milestone Edit None Time tracking No estimate or time spent Due date Edit Aug 28, 2016 - remove due date Labels Edit None Weight Edit None Confidentiality Edit Not confidential Lock issue Edit Unlocked 2 participants Notifications Reference: namespace32/project32#1 Move issue"