[Engineering] Experiment with adding social sign in options to trial registration page
Experiment summary
We believe we can increase the net new SaaS trial signup rate by making our two most popular single sign on options available to people using Google and GitHub authentication.
Experiment design:
- The users in the control will get the existing design experience where no single sign on options are available
- The users in the test will have Google and GitHub sign in options as well as the standard registration form
Control | Experiment |
Design Specs
The full design specs can be found in this design issue
Success metric
The success of this experiment will be determined by if the page view to trial signup rate is higher for users in the experiment vs the control.
Experiment tracking
In order to track this experiment, we will need to trigger enrollment into the experiment on the page-load of the trial registration page where we track users into the control and experiment groups. We then need to capture the number of users in each cohort that successfully complete the last step of the trial registration process where they apply their trial to a specific namespace.