FE: Create Scan Policies route and add it to the sidebar with page
Why are we doing this work
- Threat Monitoring is being updated to be more specific to the monitoring aspects (i.e. statistics, alerts, etcetera)
- Move Policies into its own section
Relevant links
- https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/uploads/5cc8d145388d55ac7e88233d7bdea076/policy-select.png
- https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/uploads/4ba546a230211450be95fc1f2808f967/policy-select-dropdown.png
Non-functional requirements
Documentation -
Implementation plan
frontend Create the scan policies route -
frontend Add the new scan policies route to the sidebar -
frontend Create dropdown page to select a project from gitlab that has the yaml of policies - A project selector is not new to the code base so there should be options to reuse some code
frontend save button that enables when a project changes -
Address UX issue !56356 (merged)
~~- [ ] frontend Move the policies page to that route~~ Do in &5362 (closed)
Edited by Can Eldem