[Engineering] Continuous onboarding design 1A
Executive summnary
We seen an increase in stage adoption and conversions with the launch of the onboarding issue board. However, we've seen that users are not consistently consuming the content after they initially signup. To help users onboard themselves over a longer period of time as they adopt GitLab we'll test creating a new UI space for them to follow their onboarding progress.
By providing users with a place they can easily navigate to, with reminders on their remaining items we will increase stage adoption and upgrades rates.
Experiment design
In this experiment, we'll enroll new namespaces (new signups) in either control or experiment cohorts. We'll then track the stage adoption and upgrade rates for namespaces in both the control and experiment groups. This experiment should be recorded in the experiments users table with a unique experiment_id.
In the control new namespaces will get the same experience today where they're given the onboarding issue board to onboard themselves.
Experiment - variant 1A: In the experiment, new namespaces will land on the continuous onboarding page after signing up. The continuous onboarding UI element will remain present at the group and project level. The items within the continuous onboarding list will be automatically marked as "completed" when the namespace completes the underlying event (tracked in the table below).
Page design:
Items to be listed and associated events can be found in this issue. We're in the final stages of clarifying the copy and events that will be utilized for the events. Once this process is completed we'll add the table to this issue.
📐 Design specs
Experiment - variant 1B: This experiment variant will be built by the groupactivation team and will be included in this multi-variant experiment.
Experiment tracking
In order to track the success of this experiment, we will enroll new signups (namespaces) into either the control or experiment 1A or experiment 1B groups, tracked in the experiments_users table with a unique experiment_id. We will enroll 33% of traffic into the control, 33% in variant 1 (design 1A, this issue) and 33% into variant 2 (design 1B, being built by the Activation team)
In the experiment cohort, we'll also want to add events for:
- Viewing the continuous onboarding page
- Clicking on any items listed on the page, in the event details we should capture the item they clicked on. We should collect the display text and not the URL as the URL will relative to their namespace.