A developer of a subgroup can gain access to the main private group
HackerOne report #675633 by rpadovani
on 2019-08-17, assigned to estrike
Given a secret group with this structure:
- secret-group
|--> secret-subgroup
a user who has access with developer role only at secret-subgroup
can gain access to secret-group
Steps to reproduce
Alice: owner of secret-group
Bob: a random developer.
Alice creates secret-group
as private, and creates secret-subgroup
inside it. She gives developer access to Bob to only the secret-subgroup
Bob can now access https://gitlab.com/secret-group/secret-subgroup
, but he cannot access https://gitlab.com/secret-group/
Bob creates a new project inside https://gitlab.com/secret-group/secret-subgroup
- he can, since he is a developer.
This triggers the bug: now Bob can access https://gitlab.com/secret-group/
. Also, he is not reported as a member of secret-group
in https://gitlab.com/groups/secret-group/-/group_members
, so Alice cannot know this happened.
Calling the APIs, I suspect Bob has gained the :read_group
permission over https://gitlab.com/secret-group/
, that he didn't have at the beginning.
This gives access to Bob to these resources:
- milestones of
- labels of
- (I suspect, but I don't have a license to verify) epics of
Probably something else, but I haven't investigated further.
However, it DOES NOT give access to other projects of the group. This is why I also marked Confidentiality
as low: epics, labels, and milestones are important, but not as much as repositories and issues.
I created a private group with a private subgroup - if needed I can give access to the subgroup and you can escalate the privilege on your own.
Output of checks
This bug happens on GitLab.com
Attackers can gain access to milestones and labels they shouldn't have