AsciiDoc Diagram
At this point we're using Kroki to support additional diagram types - we won't be supporting asciidoctor-diagram
directly. This allows us to leverage the diagrams for both AsciiDoc and Markdown, and offloads some of the tricky installation requirements onto the kroki external public service or into kroki docker containers. See #31818 (comment 396189329) and #31818 (comment 396191699).
Problem to solve
We can't have diagram in asciidoc.
Intended users
Every users that want to write good documentation with diagrams.
Further details
I would like to be able to add diagram (like mermaid) in asciidoc.
Include asciidoctor-diagram so we can include diagrams in asciidoc cf ( )
Permissions and Security
We should update the documentation of asciidoc: with some sample of diagrams.
It will change the rendering of asciidoc pages.
So the impact should be contained, but it will require cross-browser testing.
What does success look like, and how can we measure that?
Success will be when we can write asciidoc with diagrams; at least plantuml and mermaid diagrams.
What is the type of buyer?