Query Performance Investigation - Query ID 9033274384763230000 (ci_builds table)
This query is listed as a top 50 queries by total time over a 30 minute monitoring period in this report https://console.postgres.ai/gitlab/gitlab_production/reports/425/files/113266/md#postgres-checkup_K003
- If you do not have access to the report above try this spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-z9rLLDvPvkdEUcc8bTS_a5Usf5B0y6e03ZHKTnOL1Q/edit#gid=0&range=7:7
SELECT $1 AS one
FROM "ci_builds"
WHERE "ci_builds"."commit_id" = $2
AND ("ci_builds"."processed" = $3 OR "ci_builds"."processed" IS NULL)
AND ("ci_builds"."retried" = $4 OR "ci_builds"."retried" IS NULL)
application:sidekiq,correlation_id:01F18KRS57ADR63GEJ4E6XH5CP jid:2a23b903a5fce003f5a07952,job_class:UpdateMergeRequestsWorker endpoint_id:UpdateMergeRequestsWorker
Data points
Calls (30 minutes)
- 96,595
- 50.86/sec
- 1.00/call
- 1.48%
Total Time
- 52,464.76 ms
- 27.622 ms/sec
- 0.543 ms/call
- 2.71%"
Elasticsearch with PostgreSQL slow logs
Edited by Ash McKenzie