[DevOps Adoption] Add SAST and DAST to the adoption table (BE)
Customers are interested in seeing if teams in their organization are performing security tests on their code. This helps engineering leadership evaluate the value they are getting out of GitLab's security features. In customer interviews so far, security scanning is one of the top requested features, with SAST/DAST specifically called out in some interviews. Usage of SAST and DAST are indicators that teams are scanning code and deployed applications to identify vulnerabilities.
Add SAST and DAST to the DevOps Adoption snapshots (analytics_devops_adoption_snapshots
table). The values for SAST and DAST should be true if they are enabled either through Auto DevOps or manually.
End users can get SAST and DAST adoption (true/false) for a group using the API -
BE support for adding SAST and DAST as two separate items in the DevOps Adoption table in the UI
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