[FE] Customizable Cycle Analytics: Visualize Tasks by Type
Problem to solve
FE implementation for #32421 (closed)
Feature flags required:
!18252 (merged) - API integration -
!19602 (merged) - Chart UI -
!22936 (merged) - Chart filters -
!21294 (merged) - Add feature flag
Feature flag
- The chart is rendered after a group is selected
- Users can select labels based on the currently selected group (project labels will not be selectable)
- User's can switch between
andmerge requests
, the chart will update to reflect the user's selections - Start data defaults to the current day
- Description text:
Since we can currently only select 1 group, should the helper text read something like "Showing data for group <group_name> and x projects from <start_date> to <end_date>", furthermore if we only have 1 project selected should we just display the project name
BE API Integration
- Stub endpoint
- Endpoint:
GET -/analytics/tasks_by_type
- Accepted URL parameters:
Group id: group_id=5
(optional) List of project ids in a group: project_ids[]=4&project_ids[]=15
List of group label ids: label_ids[]=2&label_ids[]=7 (group labels: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/group_labels.html)
Subject: subject=merge_requests OR subject=issues
(optional, defaults to 1 month ago) from: from=2019-06-01
(optional) to: to=2019-08-01
- Response structure
"label": {
"id": 1,
"title": "label 1",
"color": "#428BCA",
"text_color": "#FFFFFF"
"series": [
"label": {
"id": 2,
"title": "label 3",
"color": "#428BCA",
"text_color": "#FFFFFF"
"series": [
Existing UI components
- Stacked column chart
- Segmented button control
- Label multiselector
Edited by Ezekiel Kigbo