mirrored url visible for users despite no access to repositories
HackerOne report #708639 by ashish_r_padelkar
on 2019-10-06, assigned to @ankelly:
When the repository is mirrored from another repositories, the url of that repository is visible to users on project details page ,who doesn't have any access to repositories.
Steps to reproduce
- As a owner in public project, set your repository to
Only Project members
- Now go to
-->Mirroring repositories
- Add the git url from github private project and set
Mirror direction
- Now login as non member and visit the project detail page at
and you will see the url of the repository from which this repository is mirrored from despite no permission to see the repository.
What is the current bug behavior?
Mirrored URL visible to unauthorized users
What is the expected correct behavior?
Only users with access to gitlab repositories should see the mirrored url
Output of checks
This bug happens on GitLab.com
Mirrored URL can be from private github project . So, if Gitlab public project has github private project mirrored URL, unauthorized users will see the url of private project from github.
If the url is from public project of github, this gives them idea about the branch names and files in current gitlab project despite they dont see repository in gitlab .
This also happens in gitlab private project too where guest is able to see the mirrored URL.
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