Resolve EE / CE difference of Group Navbar "Analytics" Menu Item
According to our development guide, EE should act like CE when it is unlicensed. This is not the case for the "Analytics" submenu of the Group Navbar which has caused some headaches while testing this MR.
In CE, the "Analytics" left navbar menu is missing. In EE, the "Analytics" left navbar menu is present with a "Contribution" menu item.
Looking at the method contribution_analytics_menu_item
in ee/lib/sidebars/groups/menus/analytics_menu.rb
, this method will always return a menu item, meaning that this "Analytics" navbar menu will always be present in EE (even if no license is present). The CE navbar does not add an "AnalyticsMenu", so this will never be present in CE.
We should either:
- Make sure that "Analytics" will show up for both unlicensed EE and CE consistently (preferred)
Make "Analytics" only show up for licensed EE
Edited by Martin Wortschack