Relocate the number of online runners text in toolbar
🧩 Problem
The runners admin area uses a search bar, but it has no container around it like the other areas where we use search bars (pipelines, issues). We also include plain text with the count of online runners, and I think that's still beneficial, so we need to figure out a way to show it.
🎨 MVC Proposal
Using the single stat component from pajamas, we will add a global count of online runners between the breadcrumbs and tabs/filters.
#346061 (closed))
Saved for future iterations (Mentioned inIn future iterations, once we have #333806 (closed) implemented, we should move the count below the filter bar and update it as filters are applied, or as you move to other tabs. We can copy what is currently implemented here to do so.
Edited by Gina Doyle