Enable certain features by default for dev and testing
Corrective action from issue #345417 (closed)
For development or test environments, can we find ways to enable certain features by default? It was not obvious to me that both Snowplow and this mask_page_urls flag were needed to see this problem. Plus, it took us a few minutes to get group SAML working, but I doubt most people even have a test group with SAML set up. Perhaps we need to formalize the issue-reproduce (https://staging.gitlab.com/issue-reproduce) group so that any feature developed can be validated quickly on GitLab.com.
For development or test environments, can we find ways to enable certain features by default?
One of the proposals from this issue handles the idea of having Snowplow enabled by default on development and test environment. Some considerations:
- Enabling Snowplow is fairly easy. And it's enabled on production.
- Enabling Snowplow Micro on development is straightforward, and we're actively working on making it more accessible to developers.
- Snowplow doesn't impact performance negatively.