Security training config: update to use license helper (frontend)
In this issue, we will
- remove the license GraphQL query
- update it to use the helper introduced in this issue > #358182 (closed).
- We will pass this value in HAML to Vue via the data-attribute
For reference, we can follow the jira
here is an example of how we solved this with the jira-issues for vulnerabilities, which also shows a different UI for non-ultimate users:
The data to determine if the feature is available is coming from the backend via the HAML template, I think this is doing the check:
Mandatory Testing Requirement
Make sure to simulate the SaaS version of the product and conduct the following test when developing locally:
<- Simulate your development is, info git checkout 358182-send-security-training-enabled-using-backend
gdk restart
- Admin > Settings > General > "Account and limit" > enable "Allow use of licensed EE features"
Now load the page > http://gdk.test:3000/sec-group/security-reports-ex/-/security/configuration?tab=vulnerability-management and make sure this does NOT happen.