Group-level compliance dashboard MVC
Problem to solve
We've explored this issue and now need to implement the MVC for this feature.
A new "dashboard" (activity view) that shows only one, most recent Merge Request for each project in a group. A MR qualifies if it has been successfully merged. It should be displayed regardless of state (open/closed) until a new MR takes its place. Each MR should show who approved it (up to 2 names or "No approvers" if it had none), when it was merged, and the name/number of the MR. The MR should link to the existing MR page.
This should be available only to administrators for now.
- Pagination: 25 projects per page, or whatever our default number is
- Default order: Most Recent to Oldest
- No user searching or filtering is needed for this iteration
- This should be visible/accessible only to Administrators and Group Owners for this iteration
- The MRs we display should link to the existing MR within the user's GitLab instance
- We are providing the following information in the aggregate view:
- Project name
- Merge Request Name/Number ("No Recent Activity" where MR doesn't exist yet)
- The MR should be: Successfully Merged, and displayed regardless of state (open/closed) until a new MR takes its place
- MR Approver name(s) (max: 2) or "No approvers" if there are none
- Date/Time of the Merge event (when the MR successfully merged into
Permissions and Security
Only Administrators and Group Owners can view this for now.
Edited by Matt Gonzales (ex-GitLab)