VSD page CSS and layout improvments
We should improve the CSS and visual layout of the VSD page to match the original designs
Key areas
- The UI should align with the product analytics dashboards
- We support multiple visualizations within a dashboard, each visualization should be responsive
Update background color of dashboard pages to$gray-10
in order to visually highlight the panels- On the VSD dashboard, the metrics comparison table should be inside a panel, similar to the panel below it
Optimize VSD (current) | Optimize VSD (proposal) |
See design management for mock ups.
- VSD - configuration file - adding metrics filte... (#409394 - closed) will allow specifying different metrics in each visualization, do we need any special considerations for vertical height?
- VSD - Comparison panel - [FE] adding panel-leve... (#388890 - closed) will provide support for visualization (widget) level filtering
Edited by Libor Vanc