Dismissible alert for the new navigation
We'll be toggling the navigation to on during 16.1, and we have to let users know that they have the new navigation and how to go back.
- Users who log into GitLab and have not toggled the navigation on themselves?
- All users?
Dismissable alert
Welcome to an all-new navigation experience. For the next few releases, you can go to your avatar at any time to turn the new navigation on and off.
Read more about the changes, the vision, and the design. Leave your feedback in this issue.
Multiple global alerts
If there are multiple global alerts, one should be displayed and the second should only be seen if the first is dismissed. Code Suggestions currently has been utilizing their own global alert. We have confirmation that the Navigation alert should take priority so if both alerts are active for users, only display one at a time with the navigation alert being displayed first and code suggestions being displayed only after the nav alert is dismissed.