Explain this Vulnerability: Thumbs Up/Down user feedback Iteration 1 - Buttons
Why are we doing this work
This issue tracks adding
Design issue: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/407275/designs/design_1684359620559.png#note_1395164431
Work done for Explain this Code is at #404272 (closed)
Metrics will be available in this Sisense dashboard: https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/1137231/Ai-Features
Iteration 1 <- This issue
- Helpful, Unhelpful, Wrong buttons
- Clicking an option will automatically submit the vote, modeling after what Explain this Code currently does.
Iteration 2 - #413693 (closed)
- Add text input box and submit button once available. Tracked at: Iteration 4: Include open-ended feedback (#409123 - closed)
- Capture more data
Relevant links
Non-functional requirements
Documentation: -
Feature flag: -
Performance: -
Implementation plan
- Add buttons
- Wire up to API, sending
Verification steps
- https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/govern/threat-insights-demos/personal-test-projects/webgoat.net/-/security/vulnerability_report/?scanner=GitLab.SAST
- Click on any entry to go to the details page.
- Click the "Try it out" button at the bottom of the page. A drawer will open.
- Wait for the response to load. Verify that the Helpful, Unhelpful, and Wrong buttons show up at the bottom of the drawer and are stickied to the bottom of the drawer.
- Click on one of the buttons and verify in Dev Tools that a request is made to https://snowplow.trx.gitlab.net/com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/tp2. Note that if you have an ad blocker installed like uBlock Origin, the request will be made, but blocked.
Edited by Daniel Tian