Add "Manage integrations" as a customizable permission
Proposed Permission
Group and project maintainers have the ability to manage integrations. This often leads to a user who is overprivileged where they may not need other group or project destructive permissions. With the release of this permission, you can create a custom role and set the permission to enable least privileged access.
Proposal and User Experience
Group Actions | Project Actions |
Views+Workflows include:
Base + Permission: Group → Settings → Integrations -
Base + Permission: Project → Settings → Integrations -
Base + Permission: Integration -> Edit (settings/integrations/[integration]/edit
Impacted APIs
Permission Title: "Manage integrations" -
Permission Description: "Create, read, update, and delete integrations with external applications." -
Update prerequisites for feature documentation. Include links to feature pages.
Edited by Jarka Košanová