Audit date format usage in /ee/app/assets/javascripts/security_configuration/dast_profiles/components/dast_scan_schedule.vue
In /ee/app/assets/javascripts/security_configuration/dast_profiles/components/dast_scan_schedule.vue we are using ~/lib/utils/datetime/date_format_utility
to format dates, in most cases, our preference is to always use a util from app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/datetime/locale_dateformat.js
In order to decide how this date should be displayed, these guidelines should be used:
If it is possible to retain the same date format and use locale_dateformat, please create a merge request implementing this, if not, please comment on this issue explaining why it is not yet possible. Please note: in some cases, we can get a very similar format but not exactly the same, in this case, please create the implementation in a MR and clearly show the difference in formatting so that the reviewers can approve or suggest a change. For an implementation plan and live coding examples, please refer to the parent epic: &13978