Verify stage changes
In gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com!82635 (merged) and gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com!81271 (merged), we made changes to the Verify Stage Composition and labeling logic.
1. Category:Code Quality is no longer in ~"group::testing" and is in devopssecure groupstatic analysis -
1. ~"group::continuous integration" is now grouppipeline execution -
1. CI artifacts are now in ~"group::testing" (ci::artifacts) -¬%5Blabel_name%5D%5B%5D=group%3A%3Atesting -
1. CI variables are now in grouppipeline authoring (ci::variables) -¬%5Blabel_name%5D%5B%5D=group%3A%3Apipeline%20authoring¬%5Blabel_name%5D%5B%5D=Category%3ASecrets%20Management
Can we please update the logic for these changes?
Edited by Jackie Porter