Move issues from categories: Users, Subgroups and Projects to the Workspace group
This template is for new or renaming Category labels. This review helps to ensure there will be no impact with triage automation and reports.
I created a new group called workspace in gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com!86748 (merged). I need to move all the issues for Category:User Management and ~"Category:Subgroups" from ~"group::access" to ~"group::workspace"
and following: gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com!87705 (merged) all the issues under ~"Category:Projects" from devopsplan groupproject management to devopsmanage ~"group::workspace"
Can you help me automate this process?
Action items
Link the merge request to www-gitlab-com for the category.yml change -
(If applicable) Label migration on existing issues and merge requests: apply the new label to opened & closed issues, and open & merged merge requests. -
(If applicable) Rename the old label by adding [DEPRECATED]
at the end of the label name, like ~"CI/CD [DEPRECATED]".