Usability test for current Incident Management workflow
What's this issue all about? (Background and context)
As we were prepping to test Incident Management for Complete, we realized that, due the category having changed and some deprecations affecting the workflow, it would make more sense to step back and run a usability test instead. We want to get more feedback about how people are currently experiencing the alert workflow so we can make any required improvements before attempting a CMS.
What are the overarching goals for the research?
To assess the current state of the full Incident Management workflow so we can see what we need to improve to get the category to Complete.
What hypotheses and/or assumptions do you have?
That the incident workflow is actually in a pretty complete state, but that the alert workflow is in need of improvements before we can consider it complete.
What research questions are you trying to answer?
Where are we at? What do we need to improve? How do people feel about what we have in the product today?
What persona, persona segment, or customer type experiences the problem most acutely?
- DevOps Engineers and SREs
What business decisions will be made based on this information?
What improvements we need to make to polish the Incident Management workflow.
What, if any, relevant prior research already exists?
Who will be leading the research?
What timescales do you have in mind for the research?
Will be completed during 14.3