Sync leave from room on Gitter to Matrix
Sync leave from room on Gitter to Matrix
Fix #2763 (closed)
Dev notes
$ set DEBUG=gitter:app:matrix-bridge:gitter-bridge&&npm start
gitter:app:matrix-bridge:gitter-bridge onDataChange {
url: '/rooms/5fd024a437cfb32c719f7283/users',
operation: 'remove',
model: {
id: ObjectID {
_bsontype: 'ObjectID',
id: <Buffer 5f 76 2f 95 98 6e 46 1e 66 30 59 d1>
type: 'user'
gitter:app:matrix-bridge:gitter-bridge onDataChange {
url: '/user/5f762f95986e461e663059d1/rooms',
operation: 'remove',
model: {
id: ObjectID {
_bsontype: 'ObjectID',
id: <Buffer 5f d0 24 a4 37 cf b3 2c 71 9f 72 83>
type: 'room'
Testing strategy
When the user is in the room:
- Join a public room on Gitter
- Send a message from Gitter
- Observe the room on your favorite Matrix client
- Leave the room from Gitter
- Notice a leave event is sent to the Matrix room as well
When the user isn't in the room:
- Join a public room on Gitter
- Observe the room on your favorite Matrix client
- Leave the room from Gitter
- Notice nothing happens because the user wasn't in the room
Edited by Eric Eastwood