Add Telegram notification integrations 0 of 1 checklist item completedgitlab!122879 16.1Category:ChatOps Technical Writing UI text analytics instrumentation analytics instrumentationapproved backend chatops devopsfoundations docsfeature documentation featureaddition groupimport and integrate pipeline:mr-approved releasedpublished sectioncore platform typefeature workflowpost-deploy-db-production
- Merged
- 108
- Approved
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Check custom PAT prefixes with potential leak warnings 1 of 1 checklist item completed
- Merged
- 34
- 1
- Approved
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Support ClickUp as an issue tracker 1 of 1 checklist item completedgitlab!120732 16.11st contribution Category:Integrations Community contribution Technical Writing analytics instrumentation analytics instrumentationreview pending backend devopsfoundations documentation featureaddition groupimport and integrate linked-issue pipeline:mr-approved releasedcandidate sectiondev twtriaged typefeature workflowproduction
- Merged
- 68
- Approved
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Update pipeline to run specs against a Redis Cluster 0 of 1 checklist item completed
- Merged
- 95
- Approved
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Replace foreign keys to use the partitioned table - V2 1 of 1 checklist item completed
- Merged
- 25
- Approved
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Support password reset from any verified email 1 of 1 checklist item completedgitlab!119231 16.1Category:User Management Deliverable Support Efficiency Support Interest Support Priority authentication backend customer devopsfoundations feature flag gitlab.com groupauthentication and authorization [DEPRECATED] internal customer missed:11.11 missed:12.1 onboarding pipeline:mr-approved quad-planningcomplete-no-action release post itemin review releasedcandidate sectiondev typefeature workflowpost-deploy-db-staging
- Merged
- 41
- Approved
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Clarify `max_personal_access_token_lifetime` setting behavior 1 of 1 checklist item completed
- Merged
- 11
- Approved
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Update dashboards listing to retrieve dashboards from backend 1 of 1 checklist item completed
- Merged
- 110
- Approved
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Validate foreign keys targeting p_ci_builds 1 of 1 checklist item completedgitlab!122087 16.1CI data partitioning Category:Continuous Integration Data WarehouseNot Impacted Stretch VerifyP2 backend ciscaling cicdactive database database-testing-automation databasereviewed devopsverify featureconsolidation grouppipeline execution pipeline:mr-approved releasedpublished sectionci typefeature workflowpost-deploy-db-production
- Merged
- 10
- Approved
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Add option to skip Patroni workaround 0 of 10 checklist items completedgitlab-environment-toolkit!1025 16.1
- Merged
- 5
- Approved
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Add `ci_config_ref_uri` claim to Ci::JwtV2 for repository source 1 of 1 checklist item completedgitlab!122373 16.1
- Merged
- 38
- Approved
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Add routes, controller and view to group level dependencies 0 of 1 checklist item completedgitlab!120489 16.1Category:Dependency Management Data WarehouseNot Impacted GitLab Ultimate Threat InsightsTangerine backend database database-testing-automation databaseapproved devopssoftware supply chain security feature flag featureenhancement frontend groupthreat insights pipeline:mr-approved releasedcandidate sectionsec typefeature workflowpost-deploy-db-production
- Merged
- 76
- Approved
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Remove project_ci_cd_settings#opt_in_jwt column 1 of 1 checklist item completed
- Merged
- 14
- Approved
updated -
- Merged
- 91
- Approved
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Adds frontend to toggle visibility of model experiments 1 of 1 checklist item completedgitlab!121653 16.1Category:MLOps Data WarehouseNot Impacted Model Experiments UX automation:ml automation:self-triage-encouraged backend database databasereview pending devopspackage featureenhancement frontend groupincubation pipeline:mr-approved releasedcandidate sectionci typefeature workflowpost-deploy-db-production
- Merged
- 35
- Approved
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Creates policy for model experiments access 1 of 1 checklist item completed
- Merged
- 9
- Approved
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Adds model for model_experiments_access_level 0 of 1 checklist item completedgitlab!121650 16.1
- Merged
- 21
- Approved
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Add view_component's deprecated slot setters to disallowed_warnings 1 of 1 checklist item completed
- Merged
- 8
- Approved