Convert counts.web_ide_views to Internal events 0 of 1 checklist item completed
gitlab!141472 16.8
gitlab!141471 16.8
gitlab!141469 16.8
Temporarily pin Faraday related gems 2 of 14 checklist items completedomnibus-gitlab!7343 16.8 16-0-stable
gitlab!141342 16.8Category:Integrations Category:Source Code Management Community Ops Deliverable SLOMissed bugfunctional candidate16.4 customer devopscreate frontend frontend-weight2 groupsource code missed-deliverable missed:15.10 missed:16.1 missed:16.2 missed:16.6 openapi pipeline:mr-approved priority2 regression regression:15.6 sectiondev severity2 typebug workflowready for development
Lower number of allowed POST requests to /users (sign up) 1 of 1 checklist item completed
Add a new dependency with a non-approved license 0 of 1 checklist item completedgitlab-org/ruby/gems/gitlab-dangerfiles!260 16.8