- Merged
- 10
- Approved
updated -
gitlab!175050 17.9
gitlab!175049 17.9
Resolve "Add ability to not configure AWS Object Storage IAM resources" 9 of 10 checklist items completedgitlab-environment-toolkit!1462 17.9
gitlab!173180 17.9Community contribution Data WarehouseNot Impacted automation:author-reminded database database-testing-automation databaseapproved devopsmonitor featureenhancement groupplatform insights linked-issue pipelinetier-3 pipeline:mr-approved pipeline:run-e2e-omnibus-once sectionanalytics typefeature workflowin dev
gitlab!170283 17.9analytics instrumentation analytics instrumentationapproved backend database databasereview pending devopssecurity risk management featureaddition groupsecurity insights pipelinetier-2 pipeline:mr-approved pipeline:run-all-rspec pipeline:single-db-sec-connection rspec:slow test detected sec-decomposition sectionsec typefeature
gitlab-org/charts/gitlab-runner!494 17.9
Support offline installation of helm chart 5 of 10 checklist items completedgitlab-environment-toolkit!1334 17.9
Draft: AI Feature flag removal 1 of 10 checklist items completed