.coe error in Windows (from gitlab.com)
Copying from https://gitlab.com/hog-cern/hog/-/issues/2
When creating project with CreateProject.sh on Windows 10 I get an error concerning .coe files. I do not experience this issue on Ubuntu (20.04).
I do have .coe files in my list file, Default.src
, as I should.
Although I get this error, if I then run LaunchWorkflow.sh (or open Vivado GUI and run the flow) it seems to finish without any further errors.
Vivado version: 2020.2
Hog version: 2022.1
INFO: [Hog:UpgradeIP-0] Upgrading IPs if any...
ERROR: [Common 17-161] Invalid option value '<filename>.coe' specified for 'object'.
INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Fri Jun 17 09:32:12 2022...
HOG:Error create_project() HDL compiler returned an error state.
I tracked down the source of the error in Hog.tcl. I also played around with a possible fix (note I'm not experienced with Tcl). At a first glance it seems to work, both on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 20.04.
At Hog.tcl
set f [file normalize $f]
replace with
if {[file extension $f] != ".coe"} {
set f [file normalize $f]
At Hog.tcl
if {$ext != ".ip"} {
set lib_files [dict get $libraries $lib]
foreach list_file $lib_files {
if {[lsearch $prjOTHER $list_file] != -1} {
set oth_in_list 1
replace with
if {$ext != ".ip"} {
set prjOTHER_ext [file extension $prjOTHER]
if {$prjOTHER_ext == ".coe"} {
set prjOTHER [file normalize $prjOTHER]
set lib_files [dict get $libraries $lib]
foreach list_file $lib_files {
if {[lsearch $prjOTHER $list_file] != -1} {
set oth_in_list 1