- feat(events): :sparkles: Add ACD events (PORTAL, MEBER, MEMBERSHIP) - feat: :sparkles: Added access control list to add and remove users from rooms - feat(cmd): :sparkles: Added BIC endpoint to start conversations by business with different destinations - feat(agent_manager): :sparkles: Allowed use invite in process distribution - feat(command_handler): :sparkles: Improved command handler - feat(command_handler): :sparkles: Improved command argument processor - fix(puppet): :bug: Fixed puppet creation process - feat(transfer): :sparkles: Added parameter enqueue chats in transfer command - test(puppet): :test_tube: Added test to puppet class - feat(transfer): :sparkles: Created a new transfer endpoint that returns an error if there is no agent in the room - fix(queue): :bug: Fixed ghost queues - chore(config): :sparkles: Correctly initialize the meta portals