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- refactor: :recycle: Parametrize event log file
- feat: :sparkles: Transfer notification more visible
- fix: :bug: Bug fixed, error getting puppet destination when it was a menu
- feat: :sparkles: New endpoint to reconnect a whatsapp mautrix bridge
- refactor: :alien: Updated the incoming call message
- fix: :bug: Fixed the error trying to update a Whatsapp Cloud application
- bug: :bug: Fix error when creating new queue with invitees list
- feat: :sparkles: Add the option to send templates to WhatsApp cloud
- fix: :bug: Fixed error in process distribution when agents are unavailable
- fix(commands): :bug: Fixed error in send_bic_message response
- fix: :bug: Fixed bug when trying to transfer chat to user without membership
- feat: :sparkles: Propagation of the read receipts of the agents
- feat(events): :sparkles: Added buffer to events
- fix(portal): :bug: Fixed set portal creator
- refactor: :recycle: Removed code for menubot V1