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  • Jaroslav Jandourek's avatar
    feature: Allow portsetting and swap to go structs · 9568db47
    Jaroslav Jandourek authored
    - README updates to reflect new settings and output style
    - Output as a list of results by default for Stable API expetations
    - Swapped to a Go Struct to back the resulting JSON output for cleaner
    - Gather IPs from any source available
    - IP Deduplication
    feature: Allow portsetting and swap to go structs
    Jaroslav Jandourek authored
    - README updates to reflect new settings and output style
    - Output as a list of results by default for Stable API expetations
    - Swapped to a Go Struct to back the resulting JSON output for cleaner
    - Gather IPs from any source available
    - IP Deduplication