Use $CFG->themedir break SCSS inclusion
On a fresh install of Moodle 3.11.5, Adaptable 2021081005 installed in a specific location using $CFG->themedir, there's some (SCSS) inclusion PHP Warning since Adaptable base directory is derived from $CFG->dirroot.'/theme/adaptable/
Unless I am mistaken, from lib.php, function theme_adaptable_get_main_scss_content
=> file_get_contents($CFG->dirroot.'/theme/adaptable/scss/main.scss')
on line 56 and another on line 75
Could it be managed like in files classes/admin_setting_markdown.php
/ settings/templates.php
and settings/importexport_settings.php
I used these modifications to have Adaptable working regardless of using $CFG->themedir
$basedir = (!empty($CFG->themedir)) ? $CFG->themedir : $CFG->dirroot.'/theme';
// 56
$scss .= file_get_contents($basedir.'/adaptable/scss/main.scss');
// 75
$settingsscss .= file_get_contents($basedir.'/adaptable/scss/settings/'.$settingsheet.'.scss');
Thanks a lot for all this work !