Welcome to my Git profile!
- Who am I? You can read more in my webpage jfaldanam.xyz, my Linkedin profile for my profesional career or my Google scholar profile if you are interested in my research.
- In my Gitlab profile you will find mostly personal projects, ranging from the source to my personal webpage and the config files from my developer setup to small weekend project (such as a Discord rich presence for the cmus music player or some half-serious content like When piece?) or even some of my bachelor and master's work.
- In my Github profile you can find my contributions to other open-source projects hosted on the platform or some of my work at Khaos Research, both as a researcher and developer. Some highlights are our Scalable approach for high-resolution land cover [Source] or the Meta-optimization framework Evolver [Source] for the auto-configuration of multi-objective metaheuristics inside the jMetal family.
- Finally, all software projects related to my PhD are hosted under their own Gitlab organization, if you want to know more head over there for more information on both the software and my PhD thesis.
Personal projects
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Member since June 04, 2018