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* Fixes
   - detection of misplaced definitions (#18)

* Features
   - new functions 'tr7_play_file' and 'tr7_play_string',
     similar to 'tr7_(load|run)_(file|string)' but with fine
     tuning options and funny name.
   - support of colon prefixed SRFI number (see SRFI 97)
   - new procedure (list-copy* L S E E) in (tr7 extra)
   - new syntax (check-types BOOLEAN) in (tr7 extra)
   - new procedure (tr7-keep-playing) in (tr7 trace)

* Changes
   - forward generation of byte code in bytevector (#20)
   - tr7i stops on first error when loading scripts and report it
     in its exit status
   - for-each procedure family now returns nothing
   - setting record values now returns nothing
   - improved implementation of records
   - split of stack in two parts: data and operand
   - use of callself optimized for tail calls or not
   - use less memory for local variables by spoting scope
   - separation of local variables and closure variables
   - better report of errors and lines