Have a Bavarium Futures (or Options) Market to bet which way Bavarium prices go over time
Created by: odmonk
Nicolae relayed a suggestion from The Snapdragon: "suggestion from The Snapdragon: I want it to be possible to bet if for example bavarium will go up or down and then a week later or something like that you earn or lost a % for what u betted"
While technically this is phrased as "betting", in practice the real world does this with markets for commodity Futures (or Options) which have the same effect. This could be implemented either as simple bets or more "realistically" by treating Bavarium as a Future (or Option) commodity. If implemented, other things like crops and Gas could also be handled as commodities as well.
Note regarding commodity markets: investors write contracts to buy or sell a commodity for a given fixed price on a given fixed date, and then the contracts can be themselves bought and sold. Investors pay more for an expected better price on the date or pay less for an expected worse price on the date than they believe the market will have.
(The distinction between Futures and Options is a fine one and probably not important.)