Play proximity XP enhancement
Created by: odmonk
Nicolae suggests: Players who play close to each other should be rewarded with more XP to encourage cooperation, joint play, and interaction with new players.
"A experience multiplier (1.5×) for lower level and higher level players that are doing the same job with in 10 meters of each other. To encourage higher level players to do lower pay jobs ,and interact with newer players."
Key features as suggested (with comments in parentheses):
- Players should be doing same Job (but if interaction is goal, that is restrictive)
- 10 meter radius (some Jobs cannot be done together that close)
Possible variant achieving desired goal:
- Players can be doing any Job
- Players who stay within a given distance of others (to be determined) get extra XP to be accumulated with next XP payout. For balance should not be extreme.
- If player wounds or kills someone, this extra XP should be dropped with a notice to that effect, like "Extra XP for playing together lost due to violence."