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  • Michał Kaczmarczyk's avatar
    ### 0.4.9 · 5847df4a
    Michał Kaczmarczyk authored
    * adding tests for python3.8
    * discontinued python3.4 compatibility (tests not performed, but may still work)
    * improving minor functionality
      - no css nor js file overwriting if already exists
        (it's up to user to clean target before render)
    * adding 40+ SVG attributes substitutions (to be used as keyword-arguments)
    ### 0.4.9
    Michał Kaczmarczyk authored
    * adding tests for python3.8
    * discontinued python3.4 compatibility (tests not performed, but may still work)
    * improving minor functionality
      - no css nor js file overwriting if already exists
        (it's up to user to clean target before render)
    * adding 40+ SVG attributes substitutions (to be used as keyword-arguments)