Corentin Bettiol authored
*add faq container plugin that can only contain faq question plugins *add faq question plugin that can only contain textplugin, fileplugin and videoplayerplugin by default, but we can override this in settings *add faq keywords object that can are linked to faq questions *add basic view *add license *add contributing guidelines *add admin form for creating new keywords *add first migration (may be recreated in a near future) *do not use in production until 1.0.0 is out!
Corentin Bettiol authored*add faq container plugin that can only contain faq question plugins *add faq question plugin that can only contain textplugin, fileplugin and videoplayerplugin by default, but we can override this in settings *add faq keywords object that can are linked to faq questions *add basic view *add license *add contributing guidelines *add admin form for creating new keywords *add first migration (may be recreated in a near future) *do not use in production until 1.0.0 is out!
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.
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