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  • Gabriel Lisaca's avatar
    Update AUTHORS and ChangeLog · 06813fe3
    Gabriel Lisaca authored
    This is mostly for my contributions, since I neglected to do this at the
    Could some of my entries in the ChangeLog be merged?  I don't know how
    they're typically put together.
    If I've missed anyone or this is inaccurate, let me know.
    Update AUTHORS and ChangeLog
    Gabriel Lisaca authored
    This is mostly for my contributions, since I neglected to do this at the
    Could some of my entries in the ChangeLog be merged?  I don't know how
    they're typically put together.
    If I've missed anyone or this is inaccurate, let me know.
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.