Bug 1910326 - Incorrect hostname returned by qga command 'guest-get-host-name' BZ: 1910326 BRANCH: rhel-8.4.0 BREW: 33940955 git backport-diff -r qemu-kvm-4.2.0-39.module+el8.4.0+9248+2cae4f71..HEAD -u origin/master Key: [----] : patches are identical [####] : number of functional differences between upstream/downstream patch [down] : patch is downstream-only The flags [FC] indicate (F)unctional and (C)ontextual differences, respectively 001/3:[----] [--] 'qga: rename Error ** parameter to more common errp' 002/3:[----] [--] 'util: Introduce qemu_get_host_name()' 003/3:[----] [--] 'qga: Use qemu_get_host_name() instead of g_get_host_name()'