Adopt Vue JS
Vue JS is a front-end JS framework with many benefits including templating, responsive content, single-page view mode, and options for adaptation to native mobile applications.
Adopt Vue JS in lmcc UI components.
- Choose between Vuejs 2 and Vuejs 3
- Find for all libs a VueJS component or build your own wrapper
- Use either npm or yarn
- Use boilerplate to speed up the process of building the app
- Build a building process for the production and dev environments
- Translate each page to proper Vuejs components
- Add bootstrap vuejs
- Support client-side 18in
- Define Vuejs routes and APP Component
- Support either less or scass (transpiler)
- Add Eslint to code pipeline
- Support typescript (Vuejs 2 and Vuejs 3)
- Add test cases optional?
Edited by Donutloop